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Previous Chapter - Genesis 35:1 Previous Verse - Genesis 36:15 Next Verse - Genesis 36:17 Next Chapter - Genesis 37:1
{Genesis 36:16} Duke 441 Korah, 7141 duke 441 Gatam, 1609 [and] duke 441 Amalek: 6002 these x428 [are] the dukes 441 [that came] of Eliphaz 464 in the land 776 of Edom; 123 these x428 [were] the sons 1121 of Adah. 5711
Duke Korah:
As it is certain from "And Adahª bareª° to Esauª¹ Eliphaz;ª and Bashemathª bareª°¹ Reuel;ª" {Gen 36:4}, that Eliphaz was Esau's son by Adah, and from "And the sonsª of Eliphazª were¹ Teman,ª Omar,ª Zepho,ª and Gatam,ª and Kenaz.ª" {Gen 36:11} and "And Timnaª was¹ concubineª to Eliphazª Esau'sª son;ª and she bareª° to Eliphazª¹ Amalek:ª these¹ [were] the sonsª of Adahª Esau'sª wife.ª" {Gen 36:12}, that Eliphaz had but six sons, "Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam, Kenaz, and Amalek;" as is is also certain, from "And Aholibamahª bareª°¹ Jeush,²¹ and Jaalam,ª and Korah:ª these¹ [are] the sonsª of Esau,ª which¹ were bornª° unto him in the landª of Canaan.ª" {Gen 36:5} and "And these¹ were¹ the sonsª of Aholibamah,ª the daughterª of Anahª the daughterª of Zibeon,ª Esau'sª wife:ª and she bareª° to Esauª¹ Jeush,²¹ and Jaalam,ª and Korah.ª" {Gen 36:14}, that Korah was the son of Esau (not Eliphaz) by Aholibamah; and as the words duke Korah are omitted by both the Samaritan text and version, Dr. Kennicott pronounces them to be an interpolation.
"Thenª the dukesª of Edomª shall be amazed;ª° the mighty menª of Moab,ª tremblingª shall take hold²° upon¹ them; all¹ the inhabitantsª° of Canaanª shall melt away.ª°" {Exd 15:15}

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