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Previous Chapter - Psalms 71:1 Previous Verse - Psalms 72:11 Next Verse - Psalms 72:13 Next Chapter - Psalms 73:1
{Psalms 72:12} For x3588 he shall deliver 5337 z8686 the needy 34 when he crieth; 7768 z8764 the poor 6041 also, and [him] that hath no x369 helper. 5826 z8802
"He shall judgeª° the poorª of the people,ª he shall saveª° the childrenª of the needy,ª and shall break in piecesª° the oppressor.ª°" {Psa 72:4} + "LORD,ª thou hast heardª° the desireª of the humble:ª thou wilt prepareª° their heart,ª thou wilt cause thine earª to hear:ª°" {Psa 10:17} + "Defendª° the poorª and fatherless:ª do justiceª° to the afflictedª and needy.ª° ... Deliverª° the poorª and needy:ª ridª° [them] out of the handª¹ of the wicked.ª" {Psa 82:3-4} + "He will regardª°¹ the prayerª of the destitute,ª and not¹ despiseª°¹ their prayer.ª" {Psa 102:17} + "To hearª° the groaningª of the prisoner;ª to looseª° those that are appointedª to death;ª" {Psa 102:20} + "Because¹ I deliveredª° the poorª that cried,ª° and the fatherless,ª and [him that had] none¹ to helpª° him." {Job 29:12} + "[When] the poorª and needyª seekª° water,ª and [there is] none,¹ [and] their tongueª failethª° for thirst,ª I¹ the LORDª will hearª° them, I the Godª of Israelª will not¹ forsakeª° them." {Isa 41:17} + "The Spiritª of the Lordª [is] uponª me,ª becauseª¹ he hath anointedª° meª to preach the gospelª° to the poor;ª he hath sentª° meª to healª° the¹ brokenhearted,ªª° to preachª° deliveranceª to the captives,ª andª recovering of sightª to the blind,ª to setª° atª libertyª them that are bruised,ª°" {Lke 4:18} + "Thenª Jesusª answeringª° saidª° unto them,ª Go your way,ª° and tellª° Johnª what thingsª ye have seenª° andª heard;ª° how² that¹ the blindª see,ª° the lameª walk,ª° the lepersª are cleansed,ª° the deafª hear,ª° the deadª are raised,ª° to the poorª the gospel is preached.ª°" {Lke 7:22} + "Forª ye knowª°° the¹ graceª of ourª Lordª Jesusª Christ,ª that,²¹ though he wasª° rich,ª yet for²° your² sakesª¹ he became poor,ª° thatª yeª through hisª povertyª might be rich.ª°" {2Co 8:9} + "Whereforeª he is ableª° alsoª to save¹ them²° toª the¹ uttermostª that comeª° unto Godª byª him,ª seeing he everª livethª° to² make intercessionª° forª them.ª" {Hbr 7:25} + "Becauseª thou sayest,ª°² I amª° rich,ª andª increased with goods,ª° andª haveª° needª of nothing;ª andª knowestª° notª thatª thouª artª° wretched,ª andª miserable,ª andª poor,ª andª blind,ª andª naked:ª ... I counselª° theeª to buyª° ofª meª goldª triedª° inª the fire,ª thatª thou mayest be rich;ª° andª whiteª raiment,ª that²¹ thou mayest be clothed,ª° andª [that] the¹ shameª of thyª nakednessª do²° notª appear;ª° andª anointª° thineª eyesª with eyesalve,ª thatª thou mayest see.ª°" {Rev 3:17-18}
"So I¹ returned,ª° and consideredª°¹ all¹ the oppressionsª that¹ are doneª° under¹ the sun:ª and behold¹ the tearsª of [such as were] oppressed,²°¹ and they had no¹ comforter;ª° and on the sideª¹ of their oppressorsª° [there was] power;ª but they had no¹ comforter.ª°" {Ecc 4:1} + "For¹ the dayª of vengeanceª [is] in mine heart,ª and the yearª of my redeemedª° is come.ª° ... And I looked,ª° and [there was] none¹ to help;ª° and I wonderedª° that [there was] none¹ to uphold:ª° therefore mine own armª brought salvationª° unto me; and my fury,ª it¹ upheldª° me." {Isa 63:4-5}

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