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Previous Chapter - Acts 19:1 Previous Verse - Acts 20:25 Next Verse - Acts 20:27 Next Chapter - Acts 21:1
{Acts 20:26} Wherefore 1352 I take y3143 z0 you y5213 to record 3143 z5736 x5213 this 4594 y1722 day, 2250 that 3754 I 1473 [am] pure 2513 from 575 the x3588 blood 129 of all 3956 [men].
I take:
"Also¹ now,¹ behold,¹ my witnessª [is] in heaven,ª and my recordª [is] on high.ª" {Job 16:19} + "The¹ peopleª thereforeª that wasª° withª himª whenª he calledª° Lazarusª out ofª his grave,ª andª raisedª° himª fromª the dead,ª bare record.ª°" {Jhn 12:17} + "Andª he that sawª° [it] bare record,ª° andª hisª recordª isª° true:ª and heª knowethª° thatª he saithª° true,ª thatª yeª might believe.ª°" {Jhn 19:35} + "Forª I bear²° them² recordª°¹ thatª they haveª° a zealª of God,ª butª notª accordingª to knowledge.ª" {Rom 10:2} + "Moreoverª Iª callª° Godª for a recordª uponª myª soul,ª thatª to spareª° youª I cameª° not as yetª untoª Corinth.ª" {2Co 1:23} + "Forª toª [their] power,ª I bear record,ª° yea, andª beyondª [their] powerª [they were] willing of themselves;ª" {2Co 8:3} + "Yeª [are] witnesses,ª andª Godª [also], howª holilyª andª justlyª andª unblameablyª we behaved ourselvesª° among youª that believe:ª° ...² That² yeª would walkª° worthyª of God,ª who hath calledª° youª untoª hisª kingdomª andª glory.ª" {1Th 2:10-12}
"Andª when they¹ opposed²° themselves,²¹ andª blasphemed,ª° he shookª° [his] raiment,ª and saidª° untoª them,ª Yourª bloodª [be] uponª your² own¹ heads;ª Iª [am] clean:ª fromª henceforthª I will goª° untoª the¹ Gentiles.ª" {Act 18:6} + "And afterwardª¹¹ when Davidª heardª° [it], he said,ª° I¹ and my kingdomª [are] guiltlessª before¹¹ the LORDª for² everª¹ from the bloodª¹ of Abnerª the sonª of Ner:ª" {2Sm 3:28} + "When I sayª° unto the wicked,ª Thou shalt surely²° die;ª° and thou givest him not warning,ª°¹ nor¹ speakestª° to warnª° the wickedª from his wickedª way,ª¹ to save his life;ª° the same¹ wickedª [man] shall dieª° in his iniquity;ª but his bloodª will I requireª° at thine hand.ª¹ ... Nevertheless if¹ thou¹ warnª° the righteousª [man], that the righteousª sinª° not,¹ and he¹ doth not¹ sin,ª° he shall surely²° live,ª° because¹ he is warned;ª° also thou¹ hast deliveredª°¹ thy soul.ª" {Ezk 3:18-21} + "Sonª of man,ª speakª° to¹ the childrenª of thy people,ª and sayª° unto¹ them, When¹ I bringª° the swordª upon¹ a land,ª if the peopleª of the landª takeª° aª manª of their coasts,ª¹ and setª° him for their watchman:ª° ... Nevertheless, if¹ thou¹ warnª° the wickedª of his wayª¹ to turnª° from¹ it; if he do not¹ turnª° from his way,ª¹ he¹ shall dieª° in his iniquity;ª but thou¹ hast deliveredª° thy soul.ª" {Ezk 33:2-9} + "Receiveª° us;ª we have wrongedª° no man,ª we have corruptedª° no man,ª we have defraudedª° no man.ª" {2Co 7:2} + "Layª° handsª suddenlyª on²° no man,ª neitherª be partakerª° of other² men's¹ sins:ª keepª° thyselfª pure.ª" {1Tm 5:22}

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