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41 - 60 of 68 results for amen i forth unto    Go Back 

41.LKE | Luke 18:17
Amen I forth unto ye which ever lest it might have received to the one to a ruling of of the one of a Deity as a childlet not lest it might have had came into into to it

42.LKE | Luke 18:29
The one moreover it had said unto them Amen I forth unto ye to which a one not moreover one it be which it sent off to a housing unto or to a woman or to brethrened or to generators of or to producees if in out in of the one of a ruling of ...

43.LKE | Luke 21:32
Amen I forth unto ye to which a one not lest it might have had came beside the one a generation the one this unto if which ever all it might have had became

44.JHN | John 1:51
And it fortheth unto it Amen amen I forth unto ye ye shall behold to the one to a sky to having hath had come to open up and to the ones to messengers of the one of a Deity to stepping up and to stepping down upon to the one to a Son of the...

45.JHN | John 3:3
It was separated off an Iesous and it had said unto it Amen amen I forth unto thee if ever lest a one it might have been generated unto up unto which from not it ableth to have had seen to the one to a ruling of of the one of a Deity

46.JHN | John 3:5
It was separated off the one an Iesous Amen amen I forth unto thee If ever lest a one it might have been generated unto out of a water and of a currenting to not it ableth to have had came into into to the one to a ruling of of the one of a...

47.JHN | John 3:11
Amen amen I forth unto thee to which a one to which we had come to see we speak unto and to which we had come to discern unto we witness unto and to the one to a witnessing unto of us not ye take

48.JHN | John 5:19
...separated off accordingly the one an Iesous and it was forthing unto them Amen amen I forth unto ye not it ableth the one a Son to do unto off of self to not moreover one ever lest to a one it might view to the one to a Father to doing unto...

49.JHN | John 5:24
Amen amen I forth unto ye to which a one the one to the one to a forthee of me hearing and trusting of unto the one unto having dispatched to me it holdeth to a lifing to aged belonged and into to a separating not it cometh other it had com...

50.JHN | John 5:25
Amen amen I forth unto ye to which a one it cometh an hour and now it be which also the ones en deaded they shall hear of the one of a sound of the one of a Son of the one of a Deity and the ones having heard they shall life unto

51.JHN | John 6:26
It was separated off unto them the one an Iesous and it had said Amen amen I forth unto ye ye should seek unto to me not to which a one ye had seen to signlets of other to which a one ye had devoured out of the ones of loaves and ye were vi...

52.JHN | John 6:32
It had said accordingly unto them the one an Iesous Amen amen I forth unto ye not a Mouses it gave unto ye to the one to a loaf out of the one of a sky other the one a Father of me it giveth unto ye to the one to a loaf out of the one of a ...

53.JHN | John 6:47
Amen amen I forth unto ye the one trusting of it holdeth to a lifing to aged belonged

54.JHN | John 6:53
It had said accordingly unto them the one an Iesous Amen amen I forth unto ye if ever lest ye might have had devoured to the one to a flesh of the one of a Son of the one of a mankind and ye might have had drank of it to the one to a blood ...

55.JHN | John 8:34
It was separated off unto them the one an Iesous Amen amen I forth unto ye to which a one all the one doing unto to the one to an un adjusting along unto a bondee it be of the one of an un adjusting along unto

56.JHN | John 8:51
Amen amen I forth unto ye if ever a one to the one to mine to a forthee it might have kept unto to a death not lest it might have surveiled unto into to the one to an age

57.JHN | John 8:58
It had said unto them an Iesous Amen amen I forth unto ye ere to an Abraam to have had became I I be

58.JHN | John 10:1
Amen amen I forth unto ye the one lest coming into through of the one of a portal into to the one to a channeling of the ones of stepped before other stepping up other area from the one thither a stealer it be and a robber

59.JHN | John 10:7
It had said accordingly unto furthered the one an Iesous Amen amen I forth unto ye I I be the one a portal of the ones of stepped before

60.JHN | John 12:24
Amen amen I forth unto ye if ever lest the one a kernel of the one of a grain having had fallen into to the one to a soil it might have had died off it alone it stayeth if ever moreover it might have had died off to much to a fruit it beare...

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