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American Standard Version with Strong's Concordance Numbers in Hebrew-Greek Translation Bible Search American Standard Version (ASV 1901)

Read Luke 9:54 in context parallel the King James Version (1769). Read Luke 9:54 in context.
And when his disciples James and John saw [this], they said, Lord, wilt thou that we bid fire to come down from heaven, and consume them?

Red-Letter King James Version with Strong's Concordance Numbers in Hebrew-Greek Translation Bible Search King James Version (KJV 1769)

Read Luke 9:54 in context parallel the American Standard Version (1901). Read Luke 9:54 in context parallel the Holy Name King James Version (OT). Read Luke 9:54 in context parallel the King James Version (1611). Read Luke 9:54 in context.
Andª when hisª disciplesª Jamesª andª Johnª sawª° [this], they said,ª° Lord,ª wilt¹ thou²° that we commandª° fireª to come downª° fromª heaven,ª andª consumeª° them,ª evenª asª Eliasª did?ª°

1611 King James Version with Strong's Concordance Numbers in Hebrew-Greek Translation Bible Search Original King James Bible (AV 1611)

Read Luke 9:54 in context parallel the King James Version (1769). Read Luke 9:54 in context.
Andª when hisª disciples,ª Iamesª andª Iohnª saweª° this, they said,ª° Lord,ª wilt¹ thou²° that wee commandª° fireª to come downeª° fromª heauen,ª andª consumeª° them,ª euenª asª Eliasª did?ª°

John Etheridge Aramaic New Testament with Strong's Concordance Numbers in Hebrew-Greek Translation Bible Search John Etheridge Peshitta-Aramaic NT (1849)

Read Luke 9:54 in context parallel the James Murdock translation from Aramaic.
And when Jacub and Juchanon his disciples saw it, they say to him, Maran, art thou willing that we call fire to descend from heaven to consume them, as Elia did?

James Murdock Aramaic New Testament with Strong's Concordance Numbers in Hebrew-Greek Translation Bible Search James Murdock Peshitta-Aramaic NT (1852)

Read Luke 9:54 in context parallel the John Etheridge translation from Aramaic.
And when his disciples James and John saw [it], they said to him: Our Lord, wilt thou that we speak, and fire come down from heaven, and consume them, as also did Elijah?

Westcott-Hort New Testament Greek-English Interlinear with Strong's Concordance Numbers Translation Bible Search Westcott & Hort Original Greek New Testament (1885/1901)

Read Luke 9:54 in context parallel the Literal English Translation.

New Testament Greek Literal Translation Bible Search W&H Greek New Testament (Literal English, 2009)

Read Luke 9:54 in context parallel the Original Greek New Testament.

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